Trust and Believe
Give us faith to trust and believe in your power, and celebrate the world changing promises that are to come.
Hold Fast!
When rhyme and reason isn't working.
When there seems to be no other way.
When all you wait for is another stone to be thrown.
When you feel as if you are the mis-shapen piece in the puzzle.
PASSIONTIDE is the last two weeks of Lent, when the readings and prayers of the liturgy focus on the Passion of Our Lord. The word "passion", in the Christian sense, does not mean an intense emotion; it refers to the historical events of Jesus' suffering and death.
It was fitting that God, for whom and through whom all things exist, in bringing many children to glory, should make the pioneer of their salvation perfect through sufferings. For the one who sanctifies and
those who are sanctified all have one Father. For this reason Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters, saying, 'I will proclaim your name to my brothers and sisters, in the midst of the congregation I will praise you.'
Hebrews 2.10-12
Give it Up
A story for the rich business to think about: Gandys: Our story
Perhaps we should all think more about Giving Up a small amount of our own wages to help those less fortunate than ourselves.
Give us courage to see what is getting in the way of our total commitment and to give it up so that we may share your life always.
Build a House
Houses are built on strong foundations. Watching it grow makes you feel part of its growth. It provides you with an attachment. Almost in the same way as you watch your children grow, from babies to adults. What love does that inspire for all creations.
Renew our hearts by the power of Your love, so that we may live as part of the new creation.
Give us the humility to follow wherever you lead, with no thought for our own status except for that of a servant.
Mothering Sunday
Typical brotherly love, all for saying Happy Mother's Day.
Our love for you, Lord, shall show no stronger bond than for the love of our own Mother.
Friendliest Day of the year!
For some it will be England v Ireland RBS Six Nations Rugby
For some it will be a pint of the black stuff (Guiness)
More importantly, for some it will be both down the pub to make it the friendliest day around!
Oh yeah - Make it a Guinness World Record attempt - pledge your support
Thank you Father for your boundless and lavish love.
Expect the unexpected
If we discover something with nothing unexpected, nothing to shake us from our normal existence, we would be fairly sure that it wasn't real.
Let the light of your presence shine upon us, and through us, so that your love may illuminate all the dark places of our lives and of the whole world.
Power of love
Lord Jesus, rule in our hearts, our countries and our world with the healing power of your love.
Jerk it Out!
There is a lot of discussion at the moment about marriage in the UK!
The God-given dignity to which the Cardinal is blind
Be glad you live in Britain, not the US, if you're gay or a woman
Church of England condemned as "the last refuge of prejudice"
Editor-At-Large: Marriage is dying, but let gay couples have it, all the same
Cameron and the Cardinal are both wrong. 'Gay marriage' is an oxymoron, but the Church can at least bless same-sex couples
This quote from the Bible is about us all being equal in the eyes of God."Let the children be fed first, for it is not fair to take the children's food and throw it to the dogs."
But she answered him, "Sir, even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs."
from Mark 7:24-30 (NRSV)
Make us known to your purposes and plans, so that we may become richer in love for the good things that are to come.
Food Glorious Food
Food is not unclean, it is our sustenance and not the cause of our actions.
Only our greed, pride, envy and other immoralities, are responsible for corrupting and destroying humanity. We each know our own failings and impurities that still reside in us.
Give us courage to follow the path that leads to full purity of heart.
True Faith
Minister in legal battle to STOP Christians being able to wear a cross to work
Read more:
In response:
"Isaiah summed you up just right. Hyporcites the lot of you! What he said was:
With their lips this people honour me, but with their hearts they turn away from me; all in vain they think to worship me, all they teach is human commands. You abandon God's commands, and keep human tradition!"
Is the wearing of a cross an integral part of our true faith?Jesus to the Pharisees Mark 7: 6-7
Is the wearing of a cross a religious tradition?
Is the wearing of a cross a choice?
Is the wearing of a cross a custom?
Is the wearing of a cross an expression?
Is the wearing of a cross an invention?
Is our true faith the real expression of wearing a cross?
Grant us, Lord, the wisdom to discern which of our customs and habits are genuine expressions of our true faith and which are mere human inventions.
Keeping the Faith
It is not what happens in the confines of a religious setting that is important, but what happens in our daily lives.
Let my hopes and thoughts be acceptable to you.
The video reminds of all the expectations we impart on those in school and where they should aim for. But how often do these expectations change?
You are sitting having a drink in a coffee shop. A young lad walks in with his ears full of piercings, scruffy hair and there are tattoos on his neck. How does that make you feel? Expectations!
But he sits by you and strikes up a conversation - do your expectations change?
Teach us, Lord, what is meant for you and what it means for us, to live together in this place, ready for the time when you want us to act.
Walking on Water...
... or just treading it.
Life is always full of surprises. It is always when we least expect it, when we are treading through life that we come across a surprise. Good or bad, but normally a small wake up call.
Surprise us with your unexpected power and presence and help us not to be afraid when you do new things in our lives.
Life is always full of surprises. It is always when we least expect it, when we are treading through life that we come across a surprise. Good or bad, but normally a small wake up call.
Surprise us with your unexpected power and presence and help us not to be afraid when you do new things in our lives.
Compassionate to all
The first 5 minutes of this very long debate sums up the compassion of HM Queen Elizabeth II and possibly some of the characteristics she holds should be examples to us all.
Help us to trust you to provide the things we know we need but also the things we do not know we need. Help us to be generous and compassionate to all who turn to us for help.
Leadership... fake or real?
Some leaders do things for themselves... others are puppets!
This film is from Invisible Children.
Most Governments do things for the good of themselves and not necessarily the good of the people.
So when people start making a stand then they should be listening and doing something about it.
Support the idea and concept of Kony 2012 in whatever way you can. But ensure you pass on the message.
Sign the e-petition to the UK Government - make them aware
Give us, Lord, leaders in church and state who will serve your people rather than themselves, and who will listen to the challenge of your word.
BBC News
Independent Newspaper - Stop Kony - Yes but don't stop asking questions
This film is from Invisible Children.
Most Governments do things for the good of themselves and not necessarily the good of the people.
So when people start making a stand then they should be listening and doing something about it.
Support the idea and concept of Kony 2012 in whatever way you can. But ensure you pass on the message.
Sign the e-petition to the UK Government - make them aware
Give us, Lord, leaders in church and state who will serve your people rather than themselves, and who will listen to the challenge of your word.
BBC News
Independent Newspaper - Stop Kony - Yes but don't stop asking questions
Listen... When our hearts are full of anger.
Listen... When we do not know which path to follow.
Listen... When we have no where else to turn.
Listen... When we think we know what's right.
Listen... When we need to lead.
Listen... He has been listening to us all our lives.
Teach us Lord, not to fear the accusations of the enemy, but to trust in your victory at all times.
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