True Faith


Minister in legal battle to STOP Christians being able to wear a cross to work

In response:
"Isaiah summed you up just right. Hyporcites the lot of you! What he said was:

With their lips this people honour me, but with their hearts they turn away from me; all in vain they think to worship me, all they teach is human commands. You abandon God's commands, and keep human tradition!"
 Jesus to the Pharisees Mark 7: 6-7
Is the wearing of a cross an integral part of our true faith?
Is the wearing of a cross a religious tradition?
Is the wearing of a cross a choice?
Is the wearing of a cross a custom?
Is the wearing of a cross an expression?
Is the wearing of a cross an invention?
Is our true faith the real expression of wearing a cross?

Grant us, Lord, the wisdom to discern which of our customs and habits are genuine expressions of our true faith and which are mere human inventions.